pull together 是不是只能 pull 事物
pull together 是不是只能 pull 事物
pull together 就像它字面的意思一样,把…拉在一起,它不仅可以 pull 事物,也可以 pull 人物。
一、pull together 可用来串抽象的概念,比如观点,论点,事实等,意为“把…串在一起,把…连成一个整体”,例如:
Let me now pull together the threads of my argument.
Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy
The police are pulling together all the facts to try to figure out what happened last night.
We're pulling employee surveys together from our branches around the country.
二、pull together 可用来串具体的东西,意为“把…移到一起,把…整理在一起”,例如:
Please pull the desks together so we can use them as a table.
We pulled our chairs together so that we could talk.
If it's too bright in here, I can pull together those curtains.
三、pull together 若用来串很多人,那么人多力量大,所以可以意为“齐心协力,团结起来,通力合作”等,后面不跟宾语,例如:
We don't have much time but if we all pull together we should get the job done.
I know we're behind schedule, but if we pull together, we should be able to get this finished on time.
The president is urging all citizens to pull together following the tragic event.
I think the team won because they really made an effort to pull together.
pull together as a team:
Let's all pull together and get this done. If we pull together as a team, we can get this job done on time.
四、pull together 若用来自己串自己,则可以意为“克制自己,保持镇定,振作起来”,此时必须跟反身代词作宾语,例如:
Stop crying and pull yourself together!
He pulled himself together, as always, by throwing himself back into his work.
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