英文美句 核心词汇bounce
英文美句 核心词汇bounce
The car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.
1. bounce [baʊns]
n. 跳;弹力;活力
vt. 弹跳;使弹起
vi. 弹跳;弹起,反跳;弹回
2. up and down 上上下下;到处;前前后后;来来往往
3. as if 犹如,好似
if a ball or other object bounces, or you bounce it, it immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it
bounce: jump up and down 上下跳动
1. a big / high / little bounce
2. bounce ideas off sb: to talk about your ideas with someone in order to get their opinion
3. bounce sth around: to discuss ideas with other people
探讨,交流 【非正式】
4. bounce back: to feel better quickly after being ill, or to become successful again after failing or having been defeated
5. bounce sb into sth: to force someone to decide to do something, especially without giving them time to consider it carefully
逼迫〔某人〕做〔某事〕〔尤指不容仔细考虑〕 【英】
6.bounce a ball
7. bounce ideas off someone 与某人交流想法
8. bounce a cheque 拒付支票
9. bounce off 反弹;透露
10. bounce along 跳跃前进
11. bounce around 四下弹跳
12. bounce one's feet 一跃而起
13. bounce out of bed 一跃下床
14. bounce into the room 蹦跳着进房间
15. bounce out of the room 蹦跳着走出房间
16. bounce about 蹦蹦跳跳
17. on the bounce 在弹起时
18. bounce the ball 拍球
19. bounce off 弹开,反弹;从…弹跳出来;掂量…
20. bounce up and down 上下弹跳
1. I bounce it, it starts blinking.
2. Party members feel that they were bounced into accepting the policy.
3. I wanted to have a meeting so that we could bounce a few ideas around.
4. It was good to bounce ideas off another mind.
5. Our only complaint would be if the cheque bounced.
6. Let's bounce a few ideas around.
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