Hangzhou Bay National Wetland Park. /杭州湾国家湿地公园。
[Photo by Xu Neng] 徐能 摄
By Xu Zhuowei
Located in the northwest of the Qianwan New Area, Ningbo, the Hangzhou Bay National Wetland Park is an ecological protection center and tourism area with integrated functions of wetland restoration, wetland research, and environmental education.
The Wetland Park is home to many birds. More than 300 species of birds have been recorded here, including 3 species of national first-class key protected birds, such as Chinese Black-headed Gull, black-faced spoonbill, and Swinhoe's egret. It is a world-class bird watching resort. The plant resources here are also very rich. The good living environment attracts birds to stay and inhabit here.
The Wetland Education Center Building is a landmark in the Wetland Park. It hosts a 6D dynamic cinema for bird migration, a wetland migratory bird museum, and other projects. Visitors will not only enjoy the wetland scenery here, but also receive science education.
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