Word of the Day:April 4, 2022Salient,下面我们就来聊聊关于scient的所有形式?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!
Word of the Day:April 4, 2022
adjective SAIL-yunt [ˈseɪliənt]
What It Means
Salient means "standing out conspicuously," "being prominent," or "of notable significance."
SALIENT in Context
"Research published last month in MIT's Sloan Management Review offers some insight. The salient point it makes is that a 'toxic work culture' was more than 10 times as predictive of attrition than insufficient compensation." — Ginia Bellafante, The New York Times, 6 Feb. 2022
“上个月发表在麻省理工学院的《斯隆管理评论》上的研究提供了一些见解。它的重点突出在that a 'toxic work culture' was more than 10 times as predictive of attrition than insufficient compensation.。”
The assignment was to write down the salient facts from the article.
The assignment 是文章中写的突出事实。
Did You Know?
Salient first popped up in English as a word referring to the act of leaping. It is from the Latin verb salire, which means "to leap." Today, salient is usually used to describe things that "leap out," such as the salient features of a painting or the salient points in an argument.
Salient 最早出现在英语中是指 leaping的动作。 它来自拉丁语动词 salire,意思是“to leap【跳跃】”。 今天,salient 通常用于描述事物 “leap out【引人注意的】”,例如绘画突出的重点或论点中的要点。
Unscramble the letters to create a word for a usually recurring salient thematic element in the arts: IOTFM.
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